Brent Johnson
Who are you?
I'm Brent Johnson. Owner of Square One Salon and Spa and longtime Dayton resident - 27 years to be exact! Wow. I'm also lucky enough to call Josh Stucky my partner of 27 years. Proud owner of two dogs Agnes and Arthur.
What's your nightlife look like?
Lately my nightlife has consisted of Rubi Girls practice. We have done a show the Saturday after Thanksgiving for the past 20 years and getting ready for the show consumes a lot of time and energy.
What's your favorite place to or event for celebrating the holidays downtown?
We are excited about a private celebration for our employees at Cloverdale, the old diner on St. Clair. I'm excited to experience it in a new way. Josh and I had our first date there 27years ago.
If you want to stand out at a holiday party, what do you do?
I always feel great in something fresh with new energy. It doesn't have to be brand new; I love recycled, especially something vintage and quirky adds interest and style. It's also great to use a warm smile and kindness - especially this time of year. We all need a lift. Give it if ya got it.
If you're going to splurge, where do you go?
I can splurge anywhere. On anything. At any time. Passing a garage sale or heading to Chicago. Gems are found everywhere. I love the hunt, from thrift stores to online to designer havens.
Where's your favorite spot to get gifts?
For cards and gifts I love Agnes and Orson, Gifts and Goods. I love the mix of new and vintage when shopping, the best of everything.
Where do you go for food or drinks if you're shopping all day?
I avoid chain restaurants at all costs. I love going to restaurants where I know the local people who own their business. That creates and feeds a community. They're living breathing parts of our community.